Async start a process and check until its listen port condition is successful

I trigger multiple tomcat startup scripts and then need to check if all process listens on their specific port across multiple hosts in the quickest time possible.

For the test case, I m writing 3 scripts instead of tomcat scripts that runs on a single host and listen on ports 4443,4445,4447 respectively as below.

cat /tmp/

while test 1 # infinite loop
sleep 10
nc -l localhost 4443 > /tmp/app1.log

cat /tmp/

while test 1 # infinite loop
sleep 30
nc -l localhost 4445 > /tmp/app2.log

cat /tmp/

while test 1 # infinite loop
sleep 20
nc -l localhost 4447 > /tmp/app3.log
Below is my code to trigger the script and check if the telnet is successful:

cat main.yml

  • include_tasks: “internal.yml”

  • /tmp/ 4443

  • /tmp/ 4445

  • /tmp/ 4447
    cat internal.yml

  • shell: “{{ item.split()[0] }}”
    async: 600
    poll: 0

    shell: “telnet {{ item.split()[1] }}”
    delegate_to: localhost
    register: telnetcheck
    until: telnetcheck.rc == 0
    async: 600
    poll: 0
    delay: 6
    retries: 10

  • name: Result of TELNET
    jid: “{{ item.ansible_job_id }}”
    register: _jobs
    until: _jobs.finished
    delay: 6
    retries: 10
    with_items: “{{ telnetcheck.results }}”

Expectation: The above three scripts should start along with telnet check in about 30 seconds.

Thus, the basic check that needs to be done here is telnet until: telnetcheck.rc == 0 but due to async the telnet shell module does not have entries for rc and hence I get the below error:

“msg”: “The conditional check ‘telnetcheck.rc == 0’ failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (telnetcheck.rc == 0): ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘rc’”

In the above code where and how can I check if telnet had succeeded i.e telnetcheck.rc == 0 and make sure the Expectation is met?

What is the reason to use shell + telnet why the wait_for module has
such functionality?
This does what (I think!) you want:

1. run ncat (not nc) on 3 ports on the target system:

dnmvisser@villa:~$ for i in 4443 4445 4447; do ncat -l -k -p $i & done
[1] 253485
[2] 253486
[3] 253487

Consider this playbook "waitfor.yml":

@Dick under - name: Starting multiple wait_for tasks → i do not have a loop loop: "{{ ports }}" as my loop is in main.yml outer yml

Thus, i get the following error:

TASK [Collecting status of wait_for tasks] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /root/newinternal.yml:17
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
“msg”: “‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘results’”

Can you please suggest?

I can't do everything for you.
Look at the tasks/logic of the (fully working) playbook that I
provided and adapt it to your situation.

@Dick your solution takes 64 seconds for starting and checking for successful telnet if each of the three scripts has 30 seconds sleep time.

With the below approach, it takes only half the time i.e 35 seconds to complete everything.

cat main.yml