Any way to install Paramiko manually

Hey @bacchus21 now I remember you! We have been trying to workaround something similar the last week. On my mind, the root issue is the same you had before (remember that we applied a workaround to install a collection, but we actually didn’t fix the root cause):

Let’s get back to the point where you were unable to execute update-ca-certificates. I remember that you couldn’t do it because the command wasn’t available.

So, try installing the package first. On RHEL9 you can do it this way:

sudo dnf install ca-certificates

After that, you should be able to execute these commands:

sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh
export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs

Be aware that if you do not install the package first you will get the command not found error!

PS: Check-out this link also, it has related info:

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