Ansible's plans regarding Python 2 EOL

We’ve all seen the warnings about Python 2 support ceasing on January 1st, 2020 from various projects including pip for months now. I hoped Ansible blog would have officially and proactively addressed the topic as this may require significant work for Ansible customers and the Ansible project over and above the early, minimal Python 3 support documentation including Ansible package distribution requiring python 2.x and potential migration guides for various Linux distributions if not Red Hat family at the least; past threads highlight tradeoffs over package versus pip installation.

Does anyone have more information than what is cited above?

Nothing is changing from the Ansible perspective, which is why nothing has been said. Ansible modules will still be required to support Python 2.6+ and controller code will still be required to support Python 2.7+.

This will likely continue until the EOL of Linux distributions that use Python 2, such as RHEL7.

Red Hat will continue supporting Python 2 for RHEL7 until June 2024 iirc.

We may decide to drop python 2 support on the controller before RHEL7 EOL, but should we make such a decision it will be announced at that time.