not installing every update

Hello, im new to ansible.
I’m trying to update a test environment with the following playbook:

- name: Update VMs
  hosts: VMs

   - name: Install Windows Updates
      server_selection: windows_update
      reboot: yes
      reboot_timeout: 600
      state: installed
      - KB5034439
      category_names: '*'
     become: true
     become_method: runas
     become_user: SYSTEM

On the first run it installed some updates.
On the second run it is not detecting any updates to install.

This is the result “-vvv” after the second run:

ok: [] => {
4:22:04 PM
    "changed": false,
4:22:04 PM
    "failed_update_count": 0,
4:22:04 PM
    "filtered_updates": {
4:22:04 PM
        "a8a2d6e3-c6dc-4eb8-bcfb-8c8c7d947899": {
4:22:04 PM
            "categories": [
4:22:04 PM
                "Microsoft Server operating system-21H2",
4:22:04 PM
                "Security Updates"
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
            "downloaded": false,
4:22:04 PM
            "filtered_reason": "blacklist",
4:22:04 PM
            "filtered_reasons": [
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
            "id": "a8a2d6e3-c6dc-4eb8-bcfb-8c8c7d947899",
4:22:04 PM
            "installed": false,
4:22:04 PM
            "kb": [
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
            "title": "2024-01 Security Update for Microsoft server operating system version 21H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5034439)"
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
    "found_update_count": 0,
4:22:04 PM
    "installed_update_count": 0,
4:22:04 PM
    "invocation": {
4:22:04 PM
        "module_args": {
4:22:04 PM
            "accept_list": null,
4:22:04 PM
            "category_names": [
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
            "log_path": null,
4:22:04 PM
            "reboot": true,
4:22:04 PM
            "reboot_timeout": 600,
4:22:04 PM
            "reject_list": [
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
            "server_selection": "windows_update",
4:22:04 PM
            "skip_optional": false,
4:22:04 PM
            "state": "installed"
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
4:22:04 PM
    "reboot_required": false,
4:22:04 PM
    "rebooted": false,
4:22:04 PM
    "updates": {}
4:22:04 PM

But when i look at the GUI in windows, it still shows updates to be installed:

I use winrm to connect to the machine.

Am I missing something in my playbook? I have this issue on different VMs.

I have exaclty the same issue.
Did you solve?

Tis is my screenshot:

These are kb installed by ansible:
