Can anyone tell me the steps I need to go through to get vmware_guest to successfully clone a template and have the clone join an existing domain?
Once the clone comes up, it never seems to have network access, so domain joining always fails.
A lot of times I have tried the network connection profile is marked as ‘public’ and isn’t given access to the internet.
I need to allocate a static IP
I found some link suggesting you have to use sysprep, but if you do so, you have to set language, product key etc manually and to be worthwhile the process needs to be fully automatic. Problems seem to start before that with the networking.
All suggestions gratefully received!
Tried with ansible 2.3 and 2.4 and two different windows templates, one created afresh from ISO .
Playbook below.
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: true -
hosts: new
gather_facts: false
template: New2012R2Template
vars_prompt: -
name: ‘vmware_user’
prompt: ‘Enter VMWare username’
private: no -
name: ‘vmware_cred’
prompt: ‘Enter VMWare password’
private: yes
pre_tasks: -
name: show what we are planning on doing
msg: “ensure vm with hostname {{inventory_hostname}} and ip {{hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘ip’]}} exists.” -
name: clone vmware template and customise so it is ready for use as domain member
annotation: “Ansible cloned from template ‘{{template}}’ on {{hostvars[‘localhost’][‘ansible_date_time’][‘date’]}} by {{vmware_user}}”
cluster: Dev Cluster
datacenter: Dev
folder: /Development/
hostname: vsphere6
name: “{{inventory_hostname}}”
password: “{{ vmware_cred }}”
resource_pool: Normal
state: poweredon
template: “{{template}}”
username: ‘{{vmware_user}}’
validate_certs: no
networks: -
name: VM Network
devicetype: vmxnet3
domain: devdomain.local
gateway: redacted_ip0
ip: “{{hostvars[inventory_hostname][‘ip’]}}”
type: static
- redacted_ip1
- redacted_ip2
autologon: yes
autologoncount: 5
dns_servers: - redacted_ip1
- redacted_ip2
domain: devdomain.local
password: “{{setup_password}}”
joindomain: dcmalvern.smcorp.speechmachines.com
domainadmin: “{{ dom_admin_user }}”
domainadminpassword: “{{ dom_admin_password }}”
- powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -ForceNewSSLCert
- C:\finishsetup.bat
delegate_to: localhost