ansible to provision azure loadbalncer with private ip


I was trying to provision an Azure load-balancer with only a private IP address in an existing subnet. I could accomplish this with the below code.

  • name: create load balancer azure_rm_loadbalancer: resource_group: “{{resource_group_name}}” name: my_new_lb frontend_ip_configurations: - name: frontendipconf0 private_ip_address: private_ip_allocation_method: dynamic subnet: /subscriptions/1234445sdffew11111111/resourceGroups/RG_NAME/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/vnet-stage/subnets/default backend_address_pools: - name: backend_pool1 probes: - name: prob0 port: 80 load_balancing_rules: - name: lbrbalancingrule0 frontend_ip_configuration: frontendipconf0 backend_address_pool: backend_pool1 frontend_port: 8000 backend_port: 443 probe: prob0

But is there a way we can provision a loadbalancer without providing a complete subnet id in the task file?