Ansible-test - Added Alpine 3.19 and deprecated 3(.18)

(Copying over ansible-test - Added Alpine 3.19 and deprecated 3(.18) · Issue #68 · ansible-collections/news-for-maintainers · GitHub from @mattclay.)

The devel version of ansible-test has been updated to include support for Alpine 3.19. Collections testing against Alpine should update their test matrix by Thursday, March 28th. After that date, support for Alpine 3(.18) will be removed.

Azure Pipelines Test Matrix Updates

The following collections tested with the devel branch of ansible-core should be updated:

  • community.crypto:main
    • Replace alpine3 with alpine319
    • Replace alpine/3.18 with alpine/3.19
  • community.docker:main
    • Replace alpine3 with alpine319
  • community.general:stable-7
    • Replace alpine3 with alpine319
    • Replace alpine/3.18 with alpine/3.19
  • community.general:stable-8
    • Replace alpine3 with alpine319
    • Replace alpine/3.18 with alpine/3.19
  • community.general:main
    • Replace alpine3 with alpine319
    • Replace alpine/3.18 with alpine/3.19

NOTE: Previously the Alpine container was named alpine3 and was updated in place from one version to the next. Starting with Alpine 3.19, the container now follows the same naming convention as other containers, as is named alpine319.