ansible-runner use of /etc/ansible

If I’m understanding the ansible-runner documentation correctly, it does not use /etc/ansible but requires a directory structure set up in a particular way.

If that is correct, is there a tool that converts /etc/ansible into the required directory structure?

If I’m understanding the ansible-runner documentation correctly, it does not use /etc/ansible but requires a directory
structure set up in a particular way.

If that is correct, is there a tool that converts /etc/ansible into the required directory structure?

I never use /etc/ansible, but an inventory local to my playbook and a custom ansible.cfg.


Same here

Not exactly. ansible-runner is a wrapper of *ansible* and
        Performs basic checks and then properly invokes
        - prepare_inventory
        - prepare_env
        - prepare_command
        It's also responsible for wrapping the command with the
        proper ssh agent invocation and setting early ANSIBLE_
        environment variables. """

This means, /etc/ansible is used by *ansible* and *ansible-playbook*
in the context of additional configuration by ansible-wrapper.

For example, ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK is limited to *minimal* and
*awx_display* only.

        if 'AD_HOC_COMMAND_ID' in self.env:
            self.env['ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK'] = 'minimal'
            self.env['ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK'] = 'awx_display'

IMHO, the source is the only relevant reference to
resolve issues.