ansible-redhat-openstack: why qemu-kvm-tools

I’m trying to Adapt ansible-redhat-openstack to our environment and going through the playbooks carefully and have noticed “anomalies” or rather things that don’t align with our approach. One of them is presence of qemu-kvm-tools package during install, however I couldn’t locate a single place that would use kvm_stat utility anywhere in the playbook. Did that requirement come from Grizzly install or did it get in as a “convenience tool” ?

Hi Dmitry,

The playbooks also supports the compute node to use kvm instead of qemu (set in group_vars/all), In that case if i rememeber correctly kvm_stat would be used.


I’ve tried making it conditional:

  • name: Install qemu-kvm-tools if needed
    yum: name=qemu-kvm-tools state=installed
    when: nova_libvirt_type == “kvm”

but somehow it doesn’t quite work. it skips this step regardless of “nova_libvirt_type” contents. what am I doing wrong?

I’d assume you’re probably not talking to the right server or the value isn’t what you think it is.

Check with “ansible hostname -m setup”

variable in question ( nova_libvirt_type ) is set via group_vars/all so it should apply to any host, no?