Anyone working on an ansible-vagrant like module for kvm?

Anyone working on an ansible-vagrant like module for kvm? We have
need of something like this, but virtual box doesn't work for us.
Anyone stepping into the ring on this yet?

Hello Jim,

Anyone working on an ansible-vagrant like module for kvm? We have
need of something like this, but virtual box doesn't work for us.
Anyone stepping into the ring on this yet?

We have some modules that might be of use in the ansible-provisioning
repo ( ). Patches for
improvements or more features are gladly accepted!

The only manual step needed to provision a system with libvirt+kvm+lvm
storage right now is to create the VM (xml/virt-manager). A module to
define a guest from a libvirt XML description is on my todo list and I
hope to write it this week.



great news, thanks Jeroen, I'll check that out and see if I can help,
or if I'll just surf on the hard work of others :slight_smile: