Ansible readfile and concatenate a variable to each line

Hi I have a file with list of filenames .I want to read each line and add a variable {{version}} to the end and pass it to another task which will download the artifact


cat file/branches.txt mhr- mtr- tsr

I want to get each line add {{version}} to it

mhr-1.1-SNAPSHOT mtr-1.1-SNAPSHOT tsr-1.1-SNAPSHOT

I couldn’t get the file names and append them. below is a failed attempt by me.

The task below does the job

  - debug:
      msg: "{{ lookup('file',
               join(' ') }}"


  msg: mhr-1.1-SNAPSHOT mtr-1.1-SNAPSHOT tsr-1.1-SNAPSHOT

In addition to this, you've said "each line add {{version}} to it".
If there are more lines, e.g.

  cat files/branches.txt
  mhr- mtr- tsr-
  xhr- xtr- xsr-
  yhr- ytr- ysr-

the task below iterates the lines

    - debug:
        msg: "{{ item.split()|
                 join(' ') }}"
      loop: "{{ lookup('file',
                       'files/branches.txt').splitlines() }}"


  msg: mhr-1.1-SNAPSHOT mtr-1.1-SNAPSHOT tsr-1.1-SNAPSHOT
  msg: xhr-1.1-SNAPSHOT xtr-1.1-SNAPSHOT xsr-1.1-SNAPSHOT
  msg: yhr-1.1-SNAPSHOT ytr-1.1-SNAPSHOT ysr-1.1-SNAPSHOT

Hi Vladimir Botka ,
thanks you so much for taking time to help , above works at debug level but I have to save it to a variable and . Loop it and download each file.

The file is in my host and Download happens in remote host .i tried the below task im still
not able to achieve desired result.

  • include_vars:

file: releasevars.yml
when: env == “dev”

  • slurp:
    src: ‘{{item}}’
    register: input_file_content

  • “{{file}}”
    delegate_to: localhost

  • debug:
    msg: “{{ item[‘content’] | b64decode }}”
    loop: ‘{{ input_file_content[“results”] }}’

  • set_fact:
    files_version: “{{ (input_file_content[‘content’] | b64decode).split(‘\n’) | map(‘regex_replace’, ‘^(.+)$’, ‘\g<1>’ + version ) }}”

  • name: Download artifact
    artifact_id: “{{ item[‘content’]| b64decode }}”
    version: 6.0.0-39-SNAPSHOT
    username: user
    password: @123
    verify_checksum: never
    keep_name : yes
    dest: /home/test/slurp/
    loop: ‘{{ files_version[“results”] }}’

Try this

    - set_fact:
        files: "{{ lookup('file','releasevars.yml').split()|
                   list }}"

    - slurp:
        src: "{{ item }}"
      register: input_file_content
      loop: "{{ files }}"

Thanks for your help Vladimir Botka . I was able to sucessfully append and download my file in a loop.