ansible rax not picking up virtualenv python executable


I have a site spectific module for deploying cloud objects on Rackspaces platform. The objects created are the following: networks, vyatta and cloud servers. I use that i have symlinked to 4 inventory directories. The purpose of the symylinking is to allow each environment to be built independently. The virtual environment were created using virtualenv --system-site-packages. Ansible has been installed system wide on kubuntu 15.10 and the install of pyrax within virtual environment

Oddly when executing ansible-playbook rather than the execution using virtualenvs python executable it defaults to using /usr/bin/python and thats because the rax modules use #!/usr/bin/python as opposed to #!/usr/bin/env python. The latter works.

The ansible_python_interpreter does not work and the following code

- debug: msg="{{ ansible_python_interpreter }}"

outputs virtualenvs python executable

I was successfully using this without any hacks and it worked - now it does not work. I cant quite get my head around this. I have used both global ansible and virtualenvs ansible but non work.

Any help will mbe much appreciated

Kubuntu 15.10

This would mean that using Virtualenv and installing ansible third party python libraries breaks Ansible
It appears that this code here ansible_root/runner/shell_plugins/

def build_module_command(self, env_string, shebang, cmd, rm_tmp=None):
cmd_parts = [env_string.strip(), shebang.replace(“#!”, “”).strip(), cmd] <------- this here is causing /usr/bin/python being used instead of ansible_python_interpreter
new_cmd = " ".join(cmd_parts)
if rm_tmp:
new_cmd = ‘%s; rm -rf %s >/dev/null 2>&1’ % (new_cmd, rm_tmp)
return new_cmd

appears that the yaml i used to create a cloud init definition was using a string block where i incorrectly wrote the following

user_data: |+

  • name: tech_admin
  • default
  • name: as_admin
    gecos: XXXXX Admin Server Account
    primary-group: xx_admin
    groups: tech_admin
    lock-passwd: true
    passwd: {{ lookup(‘file’, {{ playbook_dir }}/files/rackspace_cloud/ }}
  • {{ rs_ssh_admin_key }}

The error thru me off as it was a red herring - but the block above was incorrect