Ansible raw module cisco error

I have issue with issue command via raw module against cisco device

ansible r1 -m raw -a “show vlan brief”
SSH password:
r1 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

Line has invalid autocommand “show vlan brief”

But “show ver/show clock” works fine

hi i have used the raw module "“show vlan brief” also works fine too,

but i have some h3c switch the raw modules does not work fine do you have any ideas ?

在 2017年7月3日星期一 UTC+8下午8:51:51,David Zheng写道:

Have you tried using paramiko as the connection plugin?

Many of these appliances don't have a 'standard' ssh service and the
OpenSSH client (most common one installed) can have issues with it.
Paramiko is a python ssh implementation and is a lot more forgiving
with some of these appliances.