Ansible Playbook Task - to upgrade azure vm from 2016 to 2022


I need any advise, i am trying to upgrade the azure windows virtual machine from Windows 2016 Datacenter to Windows 2022 Datacenter (Desktop Experience).
I included the task:

  • name: Upgrade the server (Disk E)
    win_shell: .\setup.exe /auto upgrade /dynamicupdate disable --install-image “Windows Server 2022 Datacenter (Desktop Experience)”
    chdir: E:\Windows Server 2022
    become: yes
    become_user: “{{ansible_user}}”
    become_method: runas

I am following the steps: Windows in-place upgrade - Azure Virtual Machines | Microsoft Learn
So i am trying to automate it.

When i run the playbook with this task, i get the following output and the upgrade isn’t done.

Any idea please what i need to change?