Getting my feet wet with Ansible, and the first I run into is I can't
use ansible over SSH with GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication. I've found
a pointer [1] that paramiko doesn't support GSSAPI.
Am I right that it isn't supported or am I on the wrong track?
Using private SSH keys instead of Kerberos tickets wouldn't be "ideal"
[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/paramiko/+bug/507391
You are right.
We played around with libssh2 as an option though it doesn’t seem mature enough yet (poor response to github tickets, ssh-agent support added just last month).
There may be still some experimental games we can play in the future with (maybe?) invoking SSH directly and some optimizations, though ansible-pull is also a very good solution (uses git+cron, and ansible in local non-ssh mode).