It’s highly possible that someone created such module already but if not and you are looking for a simple way to add, remove or update dns record without editing zone files ansible-nsupdate allows to use dynamic update requests using TSIG.It’s crappy but works and will be improved. 
I’m very keen on this module, but unfortunately I’ve no idea how to install it. Could you please drop a hint, I’m just a ansible user 
sön 2017-01-01 klockan 10:37 -0800 skrev 'Michael Pophal':
I'm very keen on this module, but unfortunately I've no idea how to
install it. Could you please drop a hint, I'm just a ansible user 
Well, here is how I installed it. The following commands being relative
to the playbook top-level directory.
mkdir -p library vendor
git submodule add https://github.com/mskarbek/ansible-nsupdate.git vendor/ansible-nsupdate
ln -s ../vendor/ansible-nsupdate/nsupdate.py library/
Note that there is nothing special about the vendor directory. Might
not even be the most appropriate name. What matters is that the module
becomes available from within the library directory.
Doing a "git submodule add" assumes that you already have your playbook
files within an existing Git repository. If that isn't the case you
will probably want to do a "git clone" instead.
// Andreas