Ansible Multiple virtual machines or templates with same name found.

Hi All,

Trying to Deploy a Virtual Machine on a Cluster within a DataCenter which appears that a Template with the Same name is on a different Cluster within the Same Datacenter:

Looking at the Following from the Doc:
can someone help me with the absolute path ?

I tried the following

template: “Corp\San Diego\QR.Golden Tempates\WS2016-DSC-0819” which didn’t appear to Work.

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Template or existing virtual machine used to create new virtual machine.
If this value is not set, virtual machine is created without using a template.
If the virtual machine already exists, this parameter will be ignored.
This parameter is case sensitive.
You can also specify template or VM UUID for identifying source. version_added 2.8. Use hw_product_uuid from vmware_guest_facts as UUID value.
From version 2.8 onwards, absolute path to virtual machine or template can be used.


  • | - | - |
TASK [Virtual Machine customization] *******************************************
fatal: [localhost -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Multiple virtual machines or templates with same name [WS2016-DSC-0819] found."}

Maybe I’m stating the obvious but you should make sure there are no duplicate templates.

Or, as the docs you quoted say, use the UUID to identify it.

It would be nice to have different names for templates but
I don’t have control of the templates just working on the automation of different tasks within our infrastructure.

Aha. The uuid will be unique for sure though

Having issues extracting UUID
Has anyone in the group successful deployed using the path should it be

/Folder/Data center/vm/folder/template_name