Hi Guys,
Hope all are doing good.
I was developing some latest playbooks for HP Switches (HP 5130 - CMW710) and noticed the 3rd party modules (refer link below) are not working any more with latest Ansible version (ansible 2.9.9). Also I found the repository is not maintained anymore (or last update was few years ago).
Module Repo : https://github.com/HPENetworking/ansible-hpe-cw7
Documentation : https://hp-ansible.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
Could anyone advise if there are Ansible modules for HP switches ? (eg: HP 5130)
Or any other best practice to implement Ansible for HP Network Automation ?
I have tried raw, cli_commands like modules to achive the dirty way of executing commands, but failed with those.
Already enabled netconf on devices but still fail with ansible_connection=network_cli or ansible_connection=netconf
Thanks in advance.