Ansible module to associate or disassociate AWX or Tower user from team

Does an ansible module exist for to associate or disassociate AWX or Tower user from a team or does this need to be done through uri module?

Hi Rod,

I figured this would be within the awx.awx or infra.controller_configuration collections but not seeing anything about user/team association. If someone else comes across this and can take another look, that would be appreciated. For now, you will probably have to use the uri module but I also feel that this is something that should be added to the awx.awx collection. I’ll take another look later on today and create a Github issue if needed.

I’m also assuming you’re using local accounts. If you are using SAML/Social Auth, you can configure automated team/org assignments at login. Doc link included just in case that’s applicable here
20. Setting up Social Authentication — Ansible AWX community documentation

Best regards,


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