Ansible-libssh unable to use "become"

Hello, im using ansible-libssh (changed from paramiko) and now playbooks that worked with paramiko have diffreant behavior with ansible-libssh.


  - name: Set a hostname
    become: yes
     name: test-host
     use: systemd

im getting this debug:

[2024/08/07 13:36:41.471239, 2] channel_request:  Channel request shell success
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c 'sudo -H -S -p "[sudo via ansible, key=oztusclwkalryowlokcecuiznderdetw] password:" -u root /bin/sh -c '"'"'echo BECOME-SUCCESS-oztusclwkalryowlokcecuiznderdetw ; /usr/bin/python3.8 /home/user/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1723027001.008096-21354-99267291740428/'"'"' && sleep 0'
[2024/08/07 13:36:41.471604, 2] grow_window:  growing window (channel 50:2) to 1280000 bytes
[2024/08/07 13:36:46.550363, 2] channel_rcv_request:  Responding to Openssh's keepalive
[2024/08/07 13:36:51.556962, 2] channel_rcv_request:  Responding to Openssh's keepalive
[2024/08/07 13:36:56.561486, 2] channel_rcv_request:  Responding to Openssh's keepalive
[2024/08/07 13:37:01.566880, 2] channel_rcv_request:  Responding to Openssh's keepalive
[2024/08/07 13:37:06.569090, 2] channel_rcv_request:  Responding to Openssh's keepalive
[2024/08/07 13:37:11.575579, 2] channel_rcv_request:  Responding to Openssh's keepalive
[2024/08/07 13:41:31.695995, 2] channel_rcv_request:  Responding to Openssh's keepalive
[2024/08/07 13:41:36.699567, 2] channel_rcv_request:  Responding to Openssh's keepalive
  test-server failed: {
    "changed": false,
    "module_stderr": "",
    "module_stdout": "",
    "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error",
    "rc": -1

Now if i use this command that libssh user like that:
ssh root@ 'sudo -H -S -p "[sudo via ansible, key=oztusclwkalryowlokcecuiznderdetw] password:" -u root /bin/sh -c '"'"'echo BECOME-SUCCESS-oztusclwkalryowlokcecuiznderdetw ; /usr/bin/python3.8 /home/user/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1723027001.008096-21354-99267291740428/'"'"' && sleep 0'

It will pop a request for password so im gussing it is wating for interactive pass? how do i solve this?

I will add that i tried to use become with user “user” insead of root and it worked but changing hostname is require to use root if i use a simple play

shell: “ls -l”
with become: yes
it will work if i add to inventory
but if its user root (as it usally should be) it doesnt work

here are my conf files:

Inventory file:


test-server ansible_host= ansible_become_pass=pass ansible_ssh_pass=pass


transport = libssh
inventory = inventory/default.ini
host_key_checking = False
use_persistent_connections = True
ansible_python_interpreter = /usr/local/bin/python3
forks = 20
timeout = 60
stdout_callback = unixy 

remote_user = user
config_file = ~/.ssh
ssh_type = libssh
host_key_auto_add = True
use_persistent_connections = True
timeout = 60
pipelining = True

ssh_type = libssh
