Ansible Keyring Lookup

Hi all,
I’d like to use Keyring Lookup Plugin for password recovery in my ansible playbook, but now I’ve the following problem.

I put keyring lookup in my inventory host file, used in a playbook, and in a first time I directly used plaintextfile as keyring backend: in this way it correctly worked, recovering passwords from keyring-pass.cfg file.

Then I installed SecretStorage in order to manage passwords through secret-tool command and SeaHorse password manager.

Now with keyring command or in python environment directly using keyring.set_password and keyring.get_password methods, I correctly store and lookup passwords.

Instead the playbook doesn’t lookup services and users from SecretStorage (I got a glance to plugin, where the same keyring.get_password method is invoked) and it keeps on getting services and users with their passwords still from plaintextfile (keyring-pass.cfg) as in the initial situation.

I also tried to config SecretStorage default-keyring in keyringrc.cfg file but, when the playbook is executed, I received the error that this backend isn’t installed, while it is actually installed and used by keyring command, that correctly works.

Could anyone give me any hints to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance for your replies.