Password lookup issues after re-organising playbooks into roles

Dear all,

I started re-organising my playbooks with roles, but stumbled on some password lookup issues.

file: ansible/roles/mysql/tasks/main.yml

  • name: MySQL | Set the root password
    mysql_user: user=root password=“{{ lookup(‘password’, ‘credentials/mysql/root’) }}” host=localhost

  • name: MySQL | Config for easy access as root user
    template: src=root-my-cnf.j2 dest=/root/.my.cnf

file: ansible/roles/mysql/template/root-my-cnf.j2

pass={{ lookup(‘password’, ‘credentials/mysql/root’) }}

I stored all my credentials previously in top-level ansible/credentials/, and expected running the site.yml playbook with Ansible 1.4 wouldn’t change anything to my database settings.


  • the template action correctly and as expected uses the current password from ansible/credentials/mysql/root.
  • the mysql_user action generates a new password and writes it into ansible/roles/mysql/files/credentials/mysql/root.

(Note: the directory ansible/roles/mysql/files exists and contains other files but didn’t contain the credentials dir before running the site.yml)

Any ideas, besides using absolute paths which I rather not prefer, on how to make both lookups result in using the password in ansible/credentials/files/mysql/root?

Kind regards,


Please state what the problem is in the above as you don’t specifically call it out.