ansible extra modules updates

All, How does one update the extra ansible modules?

I wanted to use the logentries one, but it had an update in it to also support the “name” value. But if i check on my system with the latest 1.8.4 it still doesn’t have the changes that i see on github in it. Sure its pretty new but also older entry’s i cannot find back. When do you know a update to ansible extra is inside the new version of ansible? Can it be updated apart from eachother?

Or am i just reading it all wrong and “extra” is what becomes core with a new release?

Since it is a bit “sketchy” since i don’t read too much information about that in the documentation (or i didn’t see it)


both extra and core modules are added to new releases, 1.8.4 was a
bugfix release and would not have gotten the latest 'features' from
what you see on github. You can either run ansible from the git
checkout or download the specific file and put it in a library/
adjacent to your play on in a role.