Ansible does not run the role locally after the remote roles finished

I am using ansible 2.0. I have different roles which run on local or remote hosts. My site.yml is following:

- name: Droplets
<b>  hosts: localhost
  connection: local</b>
    - create_cluster
  - create

- name: Hadoop
 <b> hosts:
    - master
    - slaves</b>
  become: true
    - install_hadoop
    - hadoop

- name: Destroy
 <b> hosts: localhost
  connection: local</b>
    - destroy
    - destroy

When I run, ansible-playbook --tags destroy, I only see the role name as starting output but no setup, no task executed. It just skipped.

What could be the problem?

Strangely, If I put destroy_cluster play after create_cluster one, 2 local connected play works perfectly. But if I put one remote between them as it seems in my site.yml, last local one does not work. It is called but the tasks are not executed.

I only see: PLAY [Droplets] *************************************************************