I am working on ansible exception handling tasks and stuck in an ansible tasks execution handling problem where I need your guide to come over.
I have 2 system host group system_a and system_b and I develop 6 roles and each role have multiple tasks.I execute 2 roles on syste_a and reaming 4 on system_b.
in my case is, if any tasks in a role(1-6) are failed then skip the remains role execution and execution one task end of the playbook on system_a group host.
How can handle this case in ansible.
Can you help me in this situation?
here is my site.yml
- host: system_a
roles: - role-1
- role-2
- hosts: system_b
roles: - role-3
- role-4
- role-5
- role-6
- tasks:
- name: restart postfix service
service: name=postfix state=restarted
delegate_to: “{{ item }}”
loop: “{{ groups[‘system_a’] }}”