Ansible Core Public Meetings

Hi all,

The core team will be resuming our public team meetings starting tomorrow, however with a bit of a change in format.

Previously we had done them on a public hangout, we’re now going to be holding our meetings in #ansible-meeting on Freenode. For those who have seen the Community meetings held by Robyn/Greg that shouldn’t be too surprising. We’re recording these and publish them after, so anyone who is not able to attend can view the minutes/takeaways/etc.

We will also be holding two meetings per week for one hour, as opposed to one two-hour meeting, which will help us cover a bit wider range of times, for those in Europe/Asia:

Tuesdays: 3PM EST/EDT
Thursdays: 11AM EST/EDT

For those who had not attended one of our previous meetings, we generally intend this to be a time when anyone with an interest in a bug or PR (whether they own it or not) to get us to review it and hopefully get it fixed/merged in more quickly. This first meeting tomorrow, most likely we’ll also be doing some house-keeping, figuring out what the agenda of each meeting will be, etc. Be sure to swing by if you want a voice in that!

If you have any questions, please let us know, or drop by ansible-devel on Freenode.


This is an annoying time specification for those of us outside the US on different daylight savings schedules - particularly in the southern hemisphere, whether or not we have daylight savings time (e.g. the time for this meeting in Sydney could differ by 2 hours throughout the year)

Can meetings be scheduled and specified* in a consistent UTC time through the year?

To help those outside the US, these times as scheduled, at this time of year, are:

Tuesday 19:00 UTC
Thursday 15:00 UTC

or as I like to call them 5am and 1am.

  • Most people have no idea what their offset from EST/EDT is, but most people know what their UTC offset is.


Ah, excellent.

Thanks for the pointer,


This should help, too:


No doubt that these times are not ideal for APAC currently.

I don't know that we're ready to do a full monthly 6 hour rotation
like some projects do, but it might be useful to have one meeting a
month in a more APAC-favorable timezone.

(We do keep meeting times in UTC on the meeting page itself.)
