Ansible copy file on remote machines on different location.

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How can I copy a file from machine A to machine B and machine C on different location. ie:

On machine A I have file abc and I want to copy it on the /tmp area of machine B and /opt area of machine C.

I tried this so far:

My inventory file:


machine-B dst=/tmp

machine-C dst=/opt


- hosts: webserver


- name: Transfer file from ServerA to ServerB


src: /home/niraj/ansible_testing

dest: “{{ hostvars[item][‘dst’] }}”

with_items: “{{ groups[‘webserver’] }}”

#dest: /home/niraj

#mode: pull

delegate_to: machine-A


I tried this but it copying the file on both the location on both the machines.

Can someone please help me on this.

This should do it.

- hosts: webserver
     - name: Transfer file from ServerA to ServerB
         src: /home/niraj/ansible_testing
         dest: "{{ dst }}"
       delegate_to: machine-A

Many thanks !!