How to copy certain files in different servers (different location )to another remote server using ansible.
for example i have 5 application servers (A1,A2, A3, A4, A5), from theser servers i need to copy 2 files (file1.xml and file2.jks)
location of file1.xml for all 5 application servers are (/opt/IBM/myapp/plugins/file1.xml)
location of file2.jks for all 5 application servers are (/opt/IBM/myapp/security/file2.crt)
now i want to copy these 2 different files from all 5 application servers to my IHS servers 2 different location.
example: file1.xml of all 5 should got to IHS server’s /opt/plugin folder
and file2.crt should go to IHS servers /opt/security directory.
I tried with some possible ways of playbook using delegate option but not getting succeded here.
I tried by your suggestion, but getting below error. but ssh is enabled to all target servers from controller machine but here its getting failed… not sure the exact reason.
PLAY [copy the certificates to the IHS server] **************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Transfer file from JTS to IHS] ************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ihs: Name or service not known\r\n”, “unreachable”: true}
to retry, use: --limit @/etc/ansible/roles/IBM2/tasks/good/copycerts3.retry
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=1 failed=0
Since, you are using delegate_to: so, you should check SSH connection or DNS resolution from IHS server to all 5 different application servers to make sure you can connect to all app servers.