Ansible Community Day - Berlin 2023

We have receive many great proposals and here are the ones we’ve selected to share with you on Ansible Community Day in Berlin! (Full agenda with schedule and talk details coming soon!)

Presentations in alphabetical order:

AaaS - Automation as a Service

How to offer an automation platform shared by multiple teams on the basis of Ansible Automation Platform (AAP). What are the requirements to consider and how to address them.

Presenters: Eric Lavarde and Moritz Schoenwetter

Ansible Community Strategy 2023: The Half-Year Update

In February, at ConfigManagementCamp, we laid out our vision for the things we need to improve on in the Ansible community. Let’s discuss how that’s going!

Presenter: Greg Sutcliffe: @gwmngilfen

Ansible in a Devcontainer: entire arista.avd ecosystem in a sealed bottle

Building a stable Ansible environment can be a challenge. We’ll focus on a network automation case: deploying an EVPN fabric with arista.avd collection inside a Devcontainer. The improved user experience can be extended to other Ansible collections and use cases. This session includes a demo.

Presenters: Petr Ankudinov and Patrick Mathy

Ansible - The hard way

Ansible is all about simple IT automation, unless it isn’t.

Sometimes, you really need to walk the extra mile to make something work with Ansible. Let’s investigate some of these situations and how you can approach them. You might think of rollbacks, nested loops or side effect handling.

Presenter: Daniel Schier

Automation Good Practices

The Good Practices for Ansible (GPA) is a worldwide initiative by the Red Hat Automation Community of Practice. Many hours of automation experts from different Red Hat organizations have flown into it. And all this massive experience is open to use by anybody.

Presenters: Eric Lavarde and Moritz Schoenwetter

Enhancing Ansible Open Source Projects with Steampunk Spotter

Did you know Steampunk Spotter goes beyond analyzing and improving private Ansible Playbooks? This powerful playbook scanning tool can also scan public playbooks and provide fixes for PR/MR. In our session, we’ll show how to use Spotter to enhance Ansible content and open source projects.

Presenters: Anže Luzar and Nejc Slabe

From Zero to Hero: How to build the Ansible Pilot Community

Elevate your skills! The Ansible Pilot Community empowers IT pros in Automation, DevOps, and Cloud to master Ansible, transforming daily tasks into automated victories.

Presenter: Luca Berton

Migrating from AWX/Ansible Tower to Ansible Controller using Config as Code approach

Upgrade AWX/Tower/Controller, and its community projects associated with it smarter! Ivan & Silvio from Red Hat introduce agile migration using a community project. Learn efficient configuration management & GitOps adoption.

Presenters: Silvio Perez Torres, Ivan Aragones Muniesa, and Adonis García Castro