Ansible cannot ssh to ec2 instance that was dynamically created

I have a playbook for ansible to create ec2 instance dynamically this works fine.
I add them to host group. I want ansible to run a script on the dynamically created ec2 instances.
It fails at connection waiting. I am providing the same key that ansible used to create ec2 instance.

  • name: Deploy EC2 Master node
    hosts: localhost
    gather_facts: False
  • ~/aws-common/automation/ansible/config/var_input.yml
  • name: Get AWS credentials
    role_arn: “{{ role_arn }}”
    role_session_name: “{{ role_session_name }}”
    register: assumed_role
  • name: Provision a set of instances
    key_name: “{{ key_name }}”
    group: “{{ group }}”
    instance_type: “{{ instance_type }}”
    region: “{{ region }}”
    image: “{{ image }}”
    wait: “{{ wait }}”
    wait_timeout: “{{ wait_timeout }}”
    count: “{{ count }}”
    instance_profile_name: “{{ instance_profile_name }}”
    Name: “{{ Name }}”
    deployer: “{{ deployer }}”
    resourceowner: “{{ resourceowner }}”
    monitoring: “{{ monitoring }}”
    vpc_subnet_id: “{{ vpc_subnet_id }}”
    assign_public_ip: “{{ assign_public_ip }}”
    aws_access_key: “{{ assumed_role.sts_creds.access_key }}”
    aws_secret_key: “{{ assumed_role.sts_creds.secret_key }}”
    security_token: “{{ assumed_role.sts_creds.session_token }}”
  • device_name: /dev/sda1
    volume_type: gp2
    encrypted: true
    volume_name: HadoopMaster-rootvolume /
    volume_size: 100
    delete_on_termination: true
  • device_name: /dev/sdf
    volume_type: gp2
    encrypted: true
    volume_name: HadoopMaster /sso/sfw
    volume_size: 70
    delete_on_termination: true

register: ec2

  • name: Add new instance to host group
    hostname: “{{ item.private_ip }}”
    groupname: launched
    loop: “{{ ec2.instances }}”

  • name: Wait for SSH to come up
    delegate_to: “{{ item.private_dns_name }}”
    delay: 60
    timeout: 320
    loop: “{{ ec2.instances }}”

  • hosts: launched
    name: Mounting the attached EBS volumes
    user: ec2-user
    gather_facts: false

  • name: Run a script with arguments (free form)
    script: ~/aws-common/automation/ansible/files/

[desind@comdpmactl01 files]$ cat ~/ansible.cfg
inventory = hosts
retry_files_enabled = False
allow_world_readable_tmpfiles = True
remote_tmp = /tmp/.ansible-${USER}/tmp
#log_path: “/home/desind/myAnsible/test.log”
command_warnings = False


Adding ForwardAgent=yes so ‘copy wallet to backup directory’ works.

The ssh chain is vspoem04->vspoem01->ansible_fqdn

Without ForwardAgent, the vspoem01->ansible_fqdn fails

ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=no -o ForwardAgent=yes
pipelining = True
host_key_checking = False

Command: /sso/sfw/python2/bin/ansible-playbook test2.yaml --extra-vars=‘ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python’ -i ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/aws-common/automation/ansible/files/kafka.ppk --user ec2-user

I was able to fix my issue. The issue was that i had a wrapper and ansible expected that on ec2 instance. I commented that in ansible.cfg and that resoled my issue