Ansible cannot find files after su to root

I hope someone can answer this. I have a bunch of commands (shell scripts ) in a specific directory I need to run as root user. So I do:

  • name: Becoming root
    command: sudo su -

  • name: Changing directory
    command: cd “{{ command_directory }}”

  • name: Sourcing commands
    command: source

The problem is keep getting:

fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “cd full_path_to_my_command_directory”, “failed”: true, “msg”: “[Errno 2] No such file or directory”, “rc”: 2}

If I do manually, it works fine.

Any suggestions? I have tried become but exactly the same result. It just seems like once I change to root, cd command does not work anymore.

Thanks and regards

your 'cd' command runs as a separate command, that's why its' not working.

Try adding a chdir= option to your script command, see :

Hi Dick,
Thanks for response. I have already tried that and it was not working. I think the problem is related t the fact that I am running this playbook with connection=local. I have a feeling that even though this is locally, ansible still sees as a separate entity on which the directory does not exist. Not sure if I am talking sense though.


You can't use Ansible like this.
This is three individual tasks, so the "sudo su -" would run but does not have any impact on the next command.

And the cd will not change the path for the next command.

I highly recommend reading a Ansible book and/or reading this
to get a basic understanding of how Ansible work.

To run tings as sudo or su you need to use become
Ansible can't stack sudo and su, like "sudo su -". You need to pick one of them.

This is how that would be sourced with su (just not sure that is useful either):

  • command: source chdir=“{{ command_directory }}”

​ become: True

^ the issue is that ‘sudo su -’ is not supported, you either need full sudo or be able to run 'su’​ directly.

Thanks for Brian,
I have tried all these suggestions but with no luck.

  • name: Sourcing commands from helpers file
    command: source chdir=“{{workspace }}”
    become: true

TASK [Debug] *******************************************************************
ok: [] => {
“msg”: “Workspace is /home//projects/”

TASK [Sourcing commands for database management from helpers file] *************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “cmd”: “source”, “failed”: true, “msg”: “[Errno 2] No such file or directory”, “rc”: 2}

I file is definitely there and the path is right. I must be missing something fundamental, possibly simple.


source is a bash function not a command. This is why it cannot find such file, because there is no such file “source”. Try to use shell module instead of command.


pirmdiena, 2016. gada 19. septembris 10:25:30 UTC+2, Charles Moga rakstīja: