I have tried to configure a simple task to:-
1/ install postfix
2/ save a copy of the default configuration file as ‘asinstalled’
3/ download a preconfigured configuration file from our configuration server.
what I am seeing is the downloaded configuration file is being saved as the asinstalled, and the original configuration file is remaining untouched, i.e remains as postfix/main.cf.
ansible version installed is: ansible-7.7.0-1.el9.noarch
I have tried splitting the stanzas into separate playbooks, but the end result is the same whatever.
I have separate sections for RedHat/Ubuntu as we use a monolithic Linux playbook.
Here are the postfix install/confugre sections of my playbooks:-
Copies of files on the remote system need to have remote_src: true, otherwise ansible.builtin.copy assumes the source file is on the Ansible controller.
From what it looks like you’re trying to do, you want to backup the original config files “as installed” by the postfix package. Then you want to download your own config file from a server and use that instead.
If that’s the case, you appear to have some typos in some of your sources. Not to mention that you would overwrite the originally installed main.cf.asinstalled file with your modified main.cf on subsequent runs.
That said, I would try this more agnostic approach:
# Use 'state: latest' for patching playbooks
# Use 'state: present' for configuration playbooks
- name: Install the postfix
ansible.builtin.package: # use this when package names are the same across distros
name: postfix
state: present
- name: Backup original main.cf
cmd: cp /etc/postfix/main.cf /etc/postfix/main.cf.asinstalled
# cmd: cp /etc/postfix/main.cf /etc/postfix/main.cf.orig # < this is my preference for backing up original config files
creates: /etc/postfix/main.cf.asinstalled # only do this if the backup doesn't exist
# Use ansible vars in the url to dynamically grab the right file for the OS
# Enforcing permissions on modified files is also good practice
- name: Download main.cf
url: "http://servername.domain/ks/etc/postfix/main.cf.{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}"
dest: /etc/postfix/main.cf
validate_certs: false
mode: "644"
owner: root
group: root
Similarly, you could also use a jinja2 template file of main.cf and make it work for both RedHat/Ubuntu hosts, and copy that from your control node instead of downloading it from a server.
That would indicate the dest: already contains the correct content. You’ll have to provide more information to convince me otherwise. I’m easily swayed, though.
weird the ‘ansible.builtin.get_url’ downloaded the file to .asinstalled though, definitely not desired state on that.
maybe a bug, but as my code was wrong in the first place, probs not worth flagging it