ansible-builder (docker) fails with 'source image' error



I’m trying to create custom EE according to this guide:

but on the building step i got this error:

(builder) notier [linux@dctstt001prvla2 ansible-builder]# ansible-builder build -t --context ./context --container-runtime docker -v3

Ansible Builder is building your execution environment image, “”.
File ./context/_build/requirements.yml is already up-to-date.
Writing partial Containerfile without collection requirements
Running command:
docker build -f ./context/Dockerfile -t ./context
Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.656 kB
Step 1/8 : ARG
Please provide a source image with from prior to commit

Maybe someone has experienced it ? Thanks

I recently created the EE image by following the below steps:

  1. Creating the execution_ environment.yml file. When you run the Ansible builder, this file basically generates the docker file and builds the AWX EE image.
  2. In this yaml file, you can give the release version. Depending on which version on Ansible/Ansible runner you want, you can go to that. This information is present in tools/requirements_stable_.txt in Ansible runner repo. If you are okay with the latest, you can pick the quay latest and apply it in the execution environment.yaml file.
  3. In the Ansible build command, I gave the flag -f execution_environment.yaml file.
    Can you share your execution_environment file here?



seems the problem was - that i’ve been running very old docker version.:slight_smile: