Ansible AWX - update using awx-operator - how to keep all secrets?

Hi all,

Upgrades using awx-operator work fine for me except on thing - credential secrets. After the upgrade it seems that the secrets cannot be unencrypted. Why is that?

I followed the following steps to upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4 awx operator.

  1. Adjust the kustomization.yaml file - change tags to point to version 2.4

  2. Delete the old awx-operator:

· kubectl -n awx delete deployment awx-operator-controller-manager

· kubectl -n awx delete serviceaccount awx-operator-controller-manager

  1. Then:

· kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -

The upgraded version of Ansible AWX is working fine except my credential secrets which cannot be unencrypted thus jobs/inventories fail to update.

What am I’m missing?

Kind regards,


what does kubectl get secrets return?

btw where did you find the upgrading instructions from? You shouldn’t need to delete anything, just do a back up and then point to newer awx-operator image

Thanks for you reply. So I just adjust kustiomization.yaml and:

Prepare required files

cd ~
git clone
cd awx-on-k3s
git checkout 2.3.0 # Checkout the version to upgrade to

Deploy AWX Operator

kubectl apply -k operator

That’s all?