We are happy to announce that AWX 1.0.8 landed this morning. The changeset is mostly hardened code from the recent downstream release of Ansible Tower 3.3.
If coming from, is there actually an “upgrade” path? I.e. I read that going from 1.0.6 > 1.0.7 required a complete database cleanout? Also: any idea when the docker images will be updated? They’re currently at
Additionally, attempting to run your migration instructions failed for me earlier. I believe that the “teardown” command should be: docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
Also, the “make clean-ui” command failed at several points.
You have a couple options. If you’re tracking the git repo, you can fetch the upstream changes and checkout the 1.0.8 tag. If you just want the code that’s in 1.0.8, just download the tarball from: https://github.com/ansible/awx/releases/tag/1.0.8.