Ansible AWX 1.0.8

Hi everyone!

We are happy to announce that AWX 1.0.8 landed this morning. The changeset is mostly hardened code from the recent downstream release of Ansible Tower 3.3.

If you are upgrading from an older version of AWX, see our upgrade guide:


If coming from, is there actually an “upgrade” path? I.e. I read that going from 1.0.6 > 1.0.7 required a complete database cleanout? Also: any idea when the docker images will be updated? They’re currently at

Additionally, attempting to run your migration instructions failed for me earlier. I believe that the “teardown” command should be: docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)

Also, the “make clean-ui” command failed at several points.

When can we expect images to get published to docker hub? For some reason i thought it was automatic but last push was a month ago

Does this imply that upgrading from directly is supported? We’re running in a production setup currently, on Openshift.

Thanks for clarifying.

Serge van Ginderachter

I’ve just followed your instructions to upgrade and end up with the same version…
When 1.0.8 will be available?

Apologies for the delay folks. A pre-built 1.0.8 image is now on Docker Hub.

Hello Shane,
Can you please give us some ETA when we can get access to 1.0.8? Git repository still has old

Thank you!

Hi Larry,

You have a couple options. If you’re tracking the git repo, you can fetch the upstream changes and checkout the 1.0.8 tag. If you just want the code that’s in 1.0.8, just download the tarball from:

Thank you! Got the 1.0.8. Will do the upgrade now