Ansible Automation Platform/AWX with Forigate firewalls

Hi all,
i have a project to automate the configuration of Fortigate Firewalls and i wondered if someone could make it.
Using a classic Ansible everything is working correctly , creating address object, creating service object and policies; but when it comes to AWX or Tower only objects are created but the policy creation fails.
did any one created policies using AWX or Tower on Fortigate Firewalls
thanks in adanvance for all the help.


Hi, are all the modules etc installed in AWX? Sounds weird if it can run manually but not from AWX.
Do you get any errors if you use verbose mode?

but when it comes to AWX or Tower

Ansible Tower doesn’t exist anymore. AWX is an upstream project for automation controller, which is the webUI/API for the Ansible Automation Platform product. Read more here: Understanding Ansible, AWX, and Ansible Automation Platform

policy creation fails

can you attach a screenshot or download the .txt file for the job so we can see what the error is? You can absolutely automate Fortigate Firewalls with AWX and/or AAP (Ansible Automation Platform).