Ansible 9 update in Fedora 39 and Rawhide

Ansible 9.0.0a1, the first pre-release of Ansible 9 was released earlier today. Ansible 9.0.0a1 depends on ansible-core 2.16.0b1. We packaged the two releases in Fedora 39 and Fedora Rawhide. We’d like to get ansible-core 2.16 into Fedora 39 so we can drop all the Python 3.12 support patches we have cherry picked on top of ansible-core 2.15. Also, ansible-test is very picky about Python versions, and parts of it do not work properly with Python 3.12 + core 2.15.

Please help test the updates and leave feedback in the Fedora Updates System:

Fedora 37 and 38 users can use gotmax23/ansible Copr to test out the new ansible release.


thanks! do note that f39 final freeze starts next tuesday… so we need to get it stable before then.

also after that it will need a freeze exception… but I’m sure we can get one for any serious issue. :wink:

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Right, it’s a bit tight, but I’d like to get ansible-core 2.16 into Fedora 39 due to the aforementioned Python 3.12 issue. Ideally, we can get enough Bodhi feedback so we don’t need a freeze exception. Pushing it as a 0-day update isn’t the worst thing either.

The update is now available in the Fedora 39 and Rawhide repositories. Thanks everyone!

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