Ansible 2.5.0 Release Candidate 1 is available

Hi all- we’re happy to announce that Release Candidate 1 of Ansible 2.5.0 is now available!

How do you get it?

Thanks Matt!

In the change log:

there is a link to “Network Best Practices for Ansible 2.5” which fails or maybe is just not ready yet.

Text: in Changelog:

While neither is technically a new plugin, these connections may now be used directly with network modules. See Network Best Practices for Ansible 2.5 for more details.

URL that fails:

Not Found

The requested URL /ansible/devel/networking_guide/network_best_practices_2.5.html was not found on this server. wrote:

Hi all- we're happy to announce that Release Candidate 1 of Ansible
2.5.0 is now available!

It seems to me that tags are not working as expected:
The tagged tasks are not executed.

Ciao, Michael.

We are in the process of performing some docs restructuring, and the redirects are not yet in place. That document can be found at

This is great! Thank you!

Tag support in 2.5.0 is passing all the integration tests, so I’d be surprised if it’s not working, but If you’ve got a reproducible issue, please file it on Github. wrote:

Tag support in 2.5.0 is passing all the integration tests, so I'd be
surprised if it's not working, but If you've got a reproducible issue,
please file it on Github.

With ansible this task is not executed with -t monitoring:

- name: "Monitoring scripts on {{ openldap_role }}"
  include_tasks: "slapd_monitoring.yml"
    - monitoring

It works correctly with ansible 2.4.4.

Ciao, Michael.

This is as designed