Ansible 2.2 - async mode with windows hosts


I use Ansible 2.2.0

It seems that asynchronous mode does not work for windows remote hosts.

The task does not fall into error, but the playbook does not go to the next task (start.bat lasts 3 hours…)


  • name: “{{ role_name }} - {{ playbook_name }} - lancement du traitement”
    win_shell: call start.bat
    chdir: “{{ repertoire_traitement }}”
    executable: cmd
    async: 15
    poll: 0

Is my syntax wrong ?

Has anyone managed to make async mode work ?

If the asynchronous mode does not work for windows, is it planned to implement it in the futur ?


Fabrice Perko

I finally found out that this is a problem.

This has been identified and corrected.

I tested the correction: it’s OK

cf. :