Announcing AWX 21.12.0 and AWX-Operator 1.2.0

We’re happy to announce that the next release of AWX, version 21.12.0 is now available!
Some notable features include:

  • Update to be more current
  • Enable support for injecting complex extra vars
  • Adding new management command to allow failsafe enabling of local auth
  • SAML enhancements
  • Add ‘–order_by’ option to awx CLI
  • Re-add workflow approval bulk actions to workflow approvals list
  • Attempt to consolidate CI logic with github_ci_runner target

In addition AWX Operator version 1.2.0 has also been released!
Some notable features include:

  • [fix] backup role use k8s_cp module to write large files
  • Add additional_labels parameter
  • Auto-assign NodePort port by default rather than hardcoding a default

Please see the releases pages for more details:

-The AWX team.