An issue with community.proxysql.proxysql_query_rules module

Hello everyone! Does someone uses Ansible for proxysql management? I I have an issue with community.proxysql.proxysql_query_rules module. The module ignores proxy_port, match_pattern and some other fields.
Example output from module:

changed: [some_host_name] => (item={'rule_id': '54', 'active': '1', 'flagIN': '0', 'proxy_port': '6035', 'match_pattern': '(^\\s*\\/\\*.*\\*\\/\\s*|^\\s*)USE.*', 'negate_match_pattern': '0', 're_modifiers': 'CASELESS', 'destination_hostgroup': '11', 'apply': '1', 'comment': 'RO query rules for developers'})

Looks like, the module recieves the correct data. But the fileds are not changed in resulting rule in actual proxysql condfiguration.

Does someone faced a similar issue? Could you help to debug the issue?

The module is a part of community.proxysql collection.

Ansible version: 2.13.4