I have a variable file with dictionary under a role like below format :
- Appname : app-main
- x : a
Y : b
Z : c
- x : d
Y : e
- z : f
- Appname : app-relay
- x : g
Y : h
Z : I
- x : j
Y : k
Z : l
Etc many apps are there with different names.
I need to run a cli( my app command) that will make few apps as child n parent.
My command will be something like below.
Command : Kif run -parentappp {{ item.Appname }} -childapp {{ item.Appname }}
With_items :
- "{{ Appname }}"
I need a logic in my play to state which app is parent and which is child and need assistance on this.
My first app is always the parent of second app.
So first command should take first app as parent and second app as child.
My second app is parent of the 3rd, 4th .. etc remaining apps.
So these two conditions should be satisfied during the loop.
Kindly assist