How to do 3 with_items in the same task ?

I am reading 3 different variable from a text file and want to iterate in 3 different with_items.


vars1 :

  • first_value1
  • first_value 2


  • second_value1
  • second_value2


  • third_value1
  • third_value2

I want to read the value from the text file and pass that as a variable in loop.

var_value1: “{{ item }}”
with_items: “{{ var_value1}}”

var_value2: “{{ item }}”
with_items: “{{ var_value2}}”

var_value3: “{{ item }}”
with_items: “{{ var_value3}}”

Not sure how do I do this ?

The tasks below

    - include_vars: variablefile.yml
    - debug:
        var: item
      loop: "{{ var1 + var2 + var3 }}"


    "item": "first_value1"
    "item": "first_value2"
    "item": "second_value1"
    "item": "second_value2"
    "item": "third_value1"
    "item": "third_value2"



Thanks very much.

Basically what I want is , I have a file to store my variable, it has the following contents

value1: Something1
value2: Something2

privs1: privs_value1
privs2: privs_value2

In my playbook, I want to iterate this

value: “{{value1}}”
privilege: “{{privs1}}”

value: “{{value2}}”
privilege: “{{privs2}}”

Create the lists of the variables and use "zip" too loop them. For example

   - set_fact:
        value_keys: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].keys()|
                        select('match', '^value(.*)$')|
                        list>sort }}"
    - set_fact:
        value_list: "{{ value_keys|
                        map('extract', hostvars[inventory_hostname])|
                        list }}"
    - set_fact:
        privs_keys: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].keys()|
                        select('match', '^privs(.*)$')|
                        list>sort }}"
    - set_fact:
        privs_list: "{{ privs_keys|
                        map('extract', hostvars[inventory_hostname])|
                        list }}"
    - debug:
        msg: "value: {{ item.0 }} privilege: {{ item.1 }}"
      loop: "{{ value_list|zip(privs_list)|list }}"


    "msg": "value: Something1 privilege: privs_value1"
    "msg": "value: Something2 privilege: privs_value2"

