I’d like to start a discussion on the ability to define roles to import_role
from within host_vars. Instead of only defining those roles statically in a playbook.
My goal is to be able to give an inventory_host the ability to define any [extra] roles it should import [on top of what is expressed in the playbook].
The inspiration for this comes from an extensive use of Puppet and Hiera in production.
What I’d like to get out of this discussion:
- How weird is this? / “correctness” / best practices
- Are there other methods I had not considered?
- Am I just running into a fundamental limit of the tool?
My investigation and methods on how a host could define its own roles
This is what I was dealing with in my site.yml
before my investigation:
- hosts:
- hostname1
user: deployuser
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- common
- router
- route53
- cloudflare
- "./vars/specificfilename.yml"
- hosts:
- hostname2
user: deployuser
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- common
- router
- route53
- "./vars/specificfilename.yml"
- hosts:
- hostname3
user: deployuser
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- common
- wireguard_client
- zeus
- "./vars/specificfilename.yml"
... more hosts with roles applied in a similar manner
... all with slightly different role sets
Lots of repeated lines where most of the time I actually just need to adjust the role list.
Before we begin:
- Lets assume that I have good reasons for what I want to do, even if that ends up not being the case. I’d like to explore this to see if it is a bad idea.
- Inventory organization: I am aware I can create groups of hosts and apply roles to those groups. Unfortunately, I have a few roles where that would be useful, but most hosts will get a set of their own unique roles.
- Directory structure:
./roles/proxmox/ # installs proxmox-ve and used as an example role
./rendered/{{ inventory_hostname }}/ # created by role:render-role-import
./host_vars/{{ inventory_hostname }}/custom_roles
# contents
- role1
- role2
- role3
- etc
My solutions so far:
Create a role whose only job it is, is to include_role
from host_vars//custom_roles.
- hosts: all
- include-roles
- name: host_vars defined roles
name: "{{ r }}"
loop: "{{ roles }}"
loop_var: r
This is reasonably effective, but I lose the ability to use tags I’ve set in the roles I include.
This is super annoying since I specifically setup my roles like this to make it easier while building and debugging.
- include: hosts.yml
- proxmox
- proxmox-hosts
- include: repo.yml
- proxmox
- proxmox-repo
- include: install.yml
- proxmox
- proxmox-install
- include: web-redirect.yml
- proxmox
- proxmox-web-redirect
- include: nag.yml
- proxmox
- proxmox-nag
ansible-playbook site.yml -l whale --tags=proxmox
PLAY [whale] ***************************************************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY [whale] ***************************************************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************
This is because include_role
is dynamic and import_role is static. Those includes have not happened at the time you specify the tags.
Ok, fine. Let’s try to use import_role
instead. Spoiler: you cannot use loops.
So we continue and use loops anyways… but not in the same way as above.
Render a task file for the specific host and include that in the playbook.
- name: create rendered directory
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
- ./rendered
- "./rendered/{{ inventory_hostname }}"
delegate_to: localhost
- name: render role import task file
src: tasks.yml.j2
dest: "./rendered/{{ inventory_hostname }}/roles.yml"
mode: '0644'
delegate_to: localhost
{% for r in roles %}
- import_role:
name: {{ r }}
{% endfor %}
Which results in the following file being created:
- import_role:
name: common
- import_role:
name: proxmox
Now my site.yml
looks like this:
- hosts: all
connection: local
- render-role-import
- always
- hosts: all
user: deployuser
become: yes
gather_facts: yes
- include: "./rendered/{{ inventory_hostname }}/roles.yml"
This sort of works. You still cannot use --list-tags
. But the role tags (from /main.yml) are available and can be used.
$ ansible-playbook site.yml --tags=proxmox-install
PLAY [whale] **************************************************************************************
... removed for clarity ...
TASK [include] ************************************************************************************
included: /home/myuser/ansible/cloud/rendered/whale/roles.yml for whale
... removed for clarity ...
It then proceeds to run the roles that are imported in rendered/whale/roles.yml
or the specific tag you specified.
Overall the rendered task file that imports all the roles does most everything I need, but it feels incorrect. Like I abused the tool into working how I wanted it to work and not how it was intended to be used. Is there some Ansible-ism that I’m not aware of?