Trying to do my first containerized AAP install (using 2.5-10). I’m running almost everything on a single node other than one execution node that is a distinct VM host.
I got a series of errors from “TASK [ansible.containerized_installer.receptor : Manage the receptor volumes]” indicating that it can’t create volumes. I thought maybe the volumes had been left over from a previous install attempt so I removed the volumes. The subsequent install attempt gave the exact same error.
So this is pretty frustrating. Unless I’m missing something… the ansible install process is:
- Creating Podman volumes
- Failing because it can’t create Podman volumes with the very same names it had just created
Here is a sample error. Note that I have four identical errors for “receptor_run”, “receptor_runner”, “receptor_home” and finally “receptor_data”.
failed: [] (item=receptor_run) => {“ansible_loop_var”: “item”, “changed”: false, “item”: “receptor_run”, “msg”: “Can’t create volume receptor_run”, “stderr”: “Error: volume with name receptor_run already exists: volume already exists\n”, “stderr_lines”: [“Error: volume with name receptor_run already exists: volume already exists”], “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: }
Again, just to be explicitly clear, after getting these errors, I:
- Run “podman volume ls”, validate the volumes the error is talking about all exist (“receptor_run”, “receptor_runner”, “receptor_home” and finally “receptor_data”.)
- Run “podman volume rm <volume_name>” for each of the problematic volumes
- Re-run “podman volume ls” to confirm deletion
- Re-run the install
- Get the exact same error complaining that it cannot create the volumes because they already exist
Has anyone else encountered this issue???