AAP 2.5-10 install creates Podman volumes then complains they exist

Trying to do my first containerized AAP install (using 2.5-10). I’m running almost everything on a single node other than one execution node that is a distinct VM host.

I got a series of errors from “TASK [ansible.containerized_installer.receptor : Manage the receptor volumes]” indicating that it can’t create volumes. I thought maybe the volumes had been left over from a previous install attempt so I removed the volumes. The subsequent install attempt gave the exact same error.

So this is pretty frustrating. Unless I’m missing something… the ansible install process is:

  1. Creating Podman volumes
  2. Failing because it can’t create Podman volumes with the very same names it had just created

Here is a sample error. Note that I have four identical errors for “receptor_run”, “receptor_runner”, “receptor_home” and finally “receptor_data”.

failed: [aap-en.fqdn.com] (item=receptor_run) => {“ansible_loop_var”: “item”, “changed”: false, “item”: “receptor_run”, “msg”: “Can’t create volume receptor_run”, “stderr”: “Error: volume with name receptor_run already exists: volume already exists\n”, “stderr_lines”: [“Error: volume with name receptor_run already exists: volume already exists”], “stdout”: “”, “stdout_lines”: }

Again, just to be explicitly clear, after getting these errors, I:

  1. Run “podman volume ls”, validate the volumes the error is talking about all exist (“receptor_run”, “receptor_runner”, “receptor_home” and finally “receptor_data”.)
  2. Run “podman volume rm <volume_name>” for each of the problematic volumes
  3. Re-run “podman volume ls” to confirm deletion
  4. Re-run the install
  5. Get the exact same error complaining that it cannot create the volumes because they already exist

Has anyone else encountered this issue???


Are you still having this problem? Or found a solution? I am having the same exact issue.

I had to remove all execution nodes from my inventory file.
