I did a presentation about Ansible two days ago at T-DOSE 2012 and the slides are available from:
I learned from the presentation that we should probably do a small demo before showing the architecture and the list of modules to keep people more focused, otherwise it's a bit too abstract for too long for new users.
Obviously the examples we showed and the short demo were the exciting bits.
In three other presentations Ansible was mentioned as well, so it was a good day for Ansible in Eindhoven, NL
Based on the feedback we got and my ambitions with ansible-provisioning,
I think we should start adding self-contained examples on the wiki based on ansible-provisioning for KVM and VirtualBox so people can set up and run a demo environment by simply running a sample playbook on their systems.
If ansible-playbook would be capable of running playbooks and inventories from URLs, we could make it very attractive to get people started very quickly on scratch-environments with a single command.
ansible-playbook http://ansible.cc/demo/go-vbox.yml
ansible-playbook http://ansible.cc/demo/go-kvm.yml
where this would use the localhost and/or user for provisioning a system over the internet (e.g. minimal centos system).