Hello - Assistance requested.
I believe I’ve coded a nasty bug into my ansible playbook and I’m not sure how to unravel it. In my observations, the code throws an “Unexpected templating type error occurred” whenever I first run a task. All subsequent runs do not throw the error again, even if I backout the changes to redo them. Some code snippets below.
name: database param_def select
tags: db
include: roles/role_utility_sqlplus/tasks/main.yml
query_type: “select”
table: “param_def”
filename: “dbselect_paramdef_mhe.sql”
db_logname: “{{ WMS_Schema }}{{ WMS_Servicename }}db_paramdef_mhe{{ lookup(‘pipe’, 'date +%Y-%m-%d%H%M%S’) }}.log”
db_absolute_logpath: “/dev/null” -
name: set_fact database select output
tags: db
db_select_output: “{{ expect_output }}” -
name: database param_def insert
tags: db
include: roles/role_utility_sqlplus/tasks/main.yml
query_type: “insert”
table: “param_def”
filename: “dbinsert_paramdef_mhe.sql”
db_logname: “{{ WMS_Schema }}{{ WMS_Servicename }}db_paramdef_mhe{{ lookup(‘pipe’, 'date +%Y-%m-%d%H%M%S’) }}.log”
db_absolute_logpath: “{{ log_dir }}/{{ db_logname }}”
when: db_select_output.stdout | search(“no rows selected”)
name: Database - Stage {{ table }} {{ query_type }} sql from template
tags: db
src={{ filename }}.j2
dest=“{{ staged_config_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}/{{ filename }}”
changed_when: false -
name: Database - Execute {{ table }} {{ query_type }}
tags: db
command: “/bin/bash”
$ $: -
. ~/.profile
“sqlplus {{ WMS_Schema }}/$PASSWORD@{{ WMS_Servicename }}”
- set echo on
- spool {{ db_absolute_logpath }}
- “@{{ staged_config_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}/{{ filename }}”
- spool off
- quit
timeout: 5
echo: yes
register: expect_output
changed_when: query_type != “select”
failed_when: expect_output.stdout | search(“(ORA|SP2)-[0-9]+”)
Occasional ‘first time’ error:
TASK [role_config_mhe : Database - Execute param_def include] *******************
fatal: [ptl01a0fap006]: FAILED! => {“failed”: true, “msg”: “The conditional check ‘expect_output.stdout | search("(ORA|SP2)-[0-9]+")’ failed. The error was: Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({% if expect_output.stdout | search("(ORA|SP2)-[0-9]+") %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}): expected string or buffer”}
Essentially, I have a role that includes a utility role for sqlplus work. It somestimes trips on the ‘failed_when’ statement in the included sqlplus role. I believe this has something to do with use an include (with conditional) and then that include also has conditionals, such that they are mashing together and sometimes breaking the ‘template’ behind the scenes. It could also be the scope of registered variable ‘expect_output’, which I believe I resolved by declaring ‘db_select_output’ in role1.
Any thoughts? It is working right now because I let the ‘first time’ failures pass. Now I can’t reproduce. I’m worried I have a nasty bug that will bite me later. Any advice is helpful.