What questions should be in a community survey?

Howdy folks,

It’s been quite some time since we last did any kind of community survey, and that’s something I’d like to fix. However, Ansible is a wide ecosystem, and many people care about many different things!

So, I’d like to get some input - what questions would you like to know the answers to?

As a rule though, let’s not get sidetracked into how to ask the questions - that’s my job. I expect this topic might get long enough without that debate, and you can question my design when I’ve done the draft :slight_smile:. You are welcome to give me your rationale if you think it’s needed though :stuck_out_tongue:

So, whether it’s usage of a given feature, participation of events, or something I haven’t even thought of, hit me with your questions. I’ll put it all together in the coming weeks. Let’s go :tada:


Some questions from me that will definitely be in place:

  • What version of Ansible do you use
  • How long have you been using Ansible (years)
  • (some variant about whether you participate in the community)

The first two are “demographic representation” questions - I know the answers to these from other data sets, and can use that to weight these answers so we can make statements more general than “this is what the survey said”.

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  • How do you participate in the community? (If that isn’t included in the demographic questions already.)
  • Maybe some free-text input: what aspect of Ansible annoys you most?
  • How do you use Ansible? ansible-core + (expllicit or implicit list of) collections? Ansible community package? Execution Environments? (Here multiple answers should be possible.)
  • If you know about the Ansible community package (probably best modelled as having a “I don’t know the package” option for these questions):
    • What do you think of the size of the Ansible community package? Some choices randing from too small to too large.
    • Do you think there should be more targeted (and thus smaller) versions of the community package? (Potential answers: No idea, No (just one version for everyone), Yes (a few versions), Yes (many versions).)
    • What do you think about deprecating and the Ansible community package, so everyone has to use ansible-core + collections?
    • Should Ansible Documentation — Ansible Community Documentation include collections that are not part of the Ansible community package?
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With my distro-packaging hat on, I’d support a question about users’ installations source of ansible/ansible-core with options being Python Packaging Index (pip); Distribution package (deb, rpm, etc.); Execution environment; Other