Reminder: quick messaging survey (no, it's not the community survey) -- your help greatly appreciated!

Hi all,

This is a really short survey (not like the long community one – I need to recap results to that a bit later) to help us understand some things about who our users are, and more importantly, how we should talk to new users and get the word out there better. This one collects no identifying information and should only take about 5 minutes. A good distraction for a Monday, perhaps? :slight_smile:

Enterprising Ansible users may wish to develop a survey module :slight_smile:

Thank you all again!

Hi everyone, this is a quick reminder to take this completely not the same as the community one survey.

This closes tomorrow afternoon.

Would greatly appreciate your help, if you had answered the other questions.


sorry, that should read “would greatly appreciate your help even if you had already answered the other survey”.
