[23.5.1] How to add a custom logo in AWX from the CLI?

Latest AWX 23.5.1 has been built using docker compose as described here.

I am aware that it is possible to add a custom logo from the GUI.

But I could not find a way to add custom logos from the CLI with this version as it used to be possible:

  • either by copying some favicon/logo-header/logo-login files into git-awx/awx/ui/public/static/media before building the containers
  • or by copying a custom_console_logo.png into the /var/lib/awx/public/static/assets/ directory of the container obviously after it has been built

What is the current way to add such assets to AWX using the CLI now?


I don’t think we support configuring custom logo via awx CLI

I have already found a way around by copying it into /var/lib/awx/public/static, /awx_devel/awx/ui/build/static and /awx_devel/awx/ui/public/static folders once tools_awx_1 has been created.
It’s probably overkill though.